Health & Safety Policies

We have put in place the following health and safety protocols to help keep you, our counsellors, and everyone’s families as safe as possible during in-person visits to our office.

General Infection Control Policies & Procedures

  • Offices and washrooms are sanitized daily.
  • Our counsellors and staff self-screen daily and refrain from entering our offices should they present at-risk.
  • All our counsellors are supported in providing services remotely via telephone and telecounselling should the risk be too high for in-person services.

Masks & Hand Sanitizer

  • Anyone entering the building is encouraged to wear a mask if they are experiencing any flu-like symptoms.
  • Extra masks are available should clients or staff forget their own.
  • Hand sanitizer is provided at all entrances, exits, and individual offices.

Opening Hours

By Appointment Only

Monday-Friday, 9 to 5