Our counsellors cover a wide range of issues that you might be struggling with. There are a number of specific issues that are associated with these experiences that our counsellors can help you work through:

  • Relationship Conflict: frequent fighting, anger, mistrust, inability to assert oneself, communication problems.
  • Depression: feeling hopeless, helpless, worthless, loss of energy and pleasure.
  • Anxiety: feeling on edge, panic, unable to sleep, heart racing, fear of dying, irritable, need to escape.
  • Grief and Loss: persistent sadness, guilt, loss of energy, yearning, confusion, numbness, anger, flashbacks.
  • Suicidal thoughts and self-harm: thoughts of ending your life/pain, impulses to cut, burn, or otherwise hurt yourself to cope with overwhelming emotions or numbness.
  • Post Traumatic Stress: distressing flashbacks, nightmares, feeling disconnected, unreal, numb, afraid, easily triggered, unsafe, mistrustful of others.
  • Addictions: using alcohol, drugs, gambling, internet, or porn or other addictive things to distract from overwhelming emotions or flashbacks.
  • Emotional Self-regulation: feeling on the edge of an emotional “breakdown,” fear of going “crazy” at work, in school, or at home, inexplicable outbursts of anger, sadness, or fear.
  • Low Self-esteem: being self-critical, feeling like a failure, alone, unacceptable, unattractive, flawed, or unlovable.
  • Life Purpose and Identity: needing to develop a more positive identity based on one’s hopes, strengths, and aspirations instead of past limitations, pain, and loss.
  • Eating Disorders & Body Issues: endless intrusive thoughts about your appearance, self-worth, and eating habits, restrictive or binging eating behaviours that take a toll on your physical and emotional health.
  • Post-Partum Issues: feeling overwhelmed, anxious, depressed after giving birth and feeling shame and fear in asking for help.
  • Parenting Support: needing expert guidance and advice in dealing with your children’s emotions and behaviours at home and in school.
  • Acquired Brain Injury, Chronic Illness, Concussion: learning to cope and overcome the challenges associated with newly acquired injuries or illnesses that impact your mental health, self-concept, and relationships.